Welcome to the project website for the planning process to prepare a Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Plan for the North Coventry neighborhood in the City of Cleveland Heights. This plan will serve as a tool for the City and community partners to coordinate local services, target investments, track progress, and promote equitable access to resources, opportunities, and outcomes that advance the vitality of the neighborhood. Neighborhood revitalization will help to preserve local assets, provide for housing stability, and enhance economic mobility that allows for community improvements without the displacement of residents and other gentrification issues.

Project Updates

Fri, May 24, 2024
Thank you for Participating in Neighborhood Planning Workshop #2

Thank you to all who attended the second Neighborhood Planning Workshop at the Cleveland Heights Community Center. The community input will help guide revitalization efforts for North Coventry, particularly identifying potential strategies and partners. The workshop exhibits can be viewed on the sidebar under the Past Workshops heading.

Mon, April 29, 2024
Check out Neighborhood Planning Workshop #2

Join us on May 7, 2024, for the second Neighborhood Planning Workshop to review future goal metrics for neighborhood quality of life factors, review proposed strategies for neighborhood improvement, and identify potential partners for strategy implementation. The workshop will be held at the Cleveland Heights Community Center (1 Monticello Blvd) from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Running in an open house format, you are welcome to stop by anytime during the two hour window to share your thoughts. Check out the open house promo flyer. Hope to see you there!

Wed, January 24, 2024
Thank you for Participating in Neighborhood Planning Workshop #1

Thank you to all who attended the first Neighborhood Planning Workshop yesterday at the Cleveland Heights Community Center. It was great to see community members engage with the informational exhibits and with each other to help guide revitalization efforts for North Coventry. The workshop exhibits can be viewed on the sidebar under the Past Workshops heading. Want to continue the conversation? Share your thoughts on the interactive Comment Map below.

Tue, December 19, 2023
Share Your Thoughts on the Comment Map

Have thoughts or ideas to share about the North Coventry neighborhood? Scroll down and click on the Comment Map below to post comments on top of an aerial map of neighborhood. What do you like about North Coventry? What needs to change? What ideas or concerns do you have? Your comments are welcome!

Thu, December 7, 2023
Save the Date: Neighborhood Planning Workshop #1

Mark your calendar! Please join us on January 23, 2024, for the first Neighborhood Planning Workshop, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Cleveland Heights Community Center (1 Monticello Blvd). The open house will be a great opportunity to learn more about the project, review preliminary community data, share thoughts about the neighborhood, and identify potential improvements. Want to help spread the word? Download and share this open house promo flyer!